Yeah, I won my very first blog award. The award is called "One Lovely Blog" and I received it from Creations with Heart.
Now I am lucky enough that I can share this award with 15 of my blogger friends.
To my blogger friends, here are a few rules that need to be followed to accept this award that I am going to present to you.
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. In this case, it would an award from Tamra at With Our Hands.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Unfortunately, I can't give it back to the person that gave it to me, but I do get to give it to 15 great bloggers!
Here are the recipients of the award from me - withourhands.
1. NCTeddyBearLady
2. Stitch 'N Love
3. Fun, Cute, Whimsical Artfire Guild
4. Blogfire Guild
5. EterKnity
6. Inspired Pink
7. All Wired Up Too
8. Artfire Paper Crafters
9. Calys Day at the Beach
10. LiberTeas
11. Homefront Team
12. Homefront Artfire Guild
13. DeeVine Designs
14. Butterfly Crafts
15. Bella-Sweet
Please accept this award and pass it on to more lovely bloggers! ❤
I'm honored to be able to give you your first award!! Enjoy!
Have a happy day!
You're being featured on my blog today!!
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