Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Congratulations to the Winners

Congratulations to my winners!

First, the U-Printing Business Cards giveaway goes to........

#28 - CraftyTweetie

I am unable to email you CraftyTweetie because you didn't leave me an email address and your Google profile is blocked. Unfortunately I need to provide U-Printing with your name and information by tomorrow morning.

Therefore......the runner-up winner is.....

#9 tadasanatribal - I just sent you an email

Next, the Totally Creative Magazine Subscription Giveaway goes to........

#7 Scarlet Leonard

Congratulations to my winners and thanks to everyone for entering.


Unknown said...

Woot Thanks.
I'll be eagerly awaiting the first magazine.

CraftyTweetie said...

Oh darn! I'm happy to see I won, but sad that my entry wasn't complete. I'm rather new to leaving posts like this, so I must have messed up somewhere. I thought I clicked "email follow-up comments to CraftyTweetie@gmail.com", which is my email, but I guess I didn't. :( Oh, pooh! Can you pls tell me how to unlock my Google ID? Thanks for holding the contest anyway, and congrats to the runner up! :)

Tamra Augostino said...

Tweetie - I am really sorry that I wasn't able to contact you. :(
If you log into your google account and click on blogger settings, there is a box to check to make your email public.
Try this link to see if it brings you right to that area: http://www.blogger.com/edit-profile.g